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Vol exclusiu en globus

Give a flight as a present

You make the gift and the beneficiary choice the day and zone to fly. A balloon ride is an unforgettable experience special present during their holidays in Barcelona!

Give a balloon flight as a present with Kon-Tiki is easy.

Follow these steps:

  1. Book the flight tickets (fully open date and area during 1 year, expiry date can be extended)
  2. If you want, pay now just 30€ and leave the rest for the day of flight.
  3. Print tickets (Have a look to the three options for giving the present).
  4. The owner of the ticket will schedule his favorite date and flight zone.

*So, if you want to make an original gift , you can buy tickets without compromising one day and flying spot. Those benefiting will be to decide when and where to fly, into our net with codes for each flight ticket.


All our balloon flights include

Assembly and inflation of the balloon, you will receive your welcome pack and participate in the preparation of the balloon.

Preparation and inflation of the balloon

Presentations, briefing, delivery of a welcome bag with a selection of handmade pastries, fruit juice and a bottle of water. You will see and participate in the balloon inflation.

We will fly for approximately 75 minutes, letting ourselves be carried by the breezes that will mark the balloon\'s route.

Takeoff and flight

The first moment of not touching the ground is unforgettable. We will fly for approximately one hour. making gentle changes in height controlled by the pilot with the aim of playing with the wind that will mark the route.

The 4x4 Kon-Tiki will pick you up at the landing field to return us to the starting point where we will toast with cava and you will receive the certificate and photos of the flight.

Landing, certificate, photos and toasts

Our 4x4 vehicle follows us on the ground via radio and after landing, once the balloon has been picked up, it will take us to the starting point. If a friend or family member wants to follow your balloon, they can follow our ground team in their vehicle.

ScheduleFrom Monday to Friday from 8h AM to 4h PM