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Festival de vols en globus - European Balloon Festival EBF (text)

Special Offer European Balloon Festival 2024

Enjoy the experience to fly with tenth of balloons at same time (July 10th to 14th)
Call me for booking
In accordance with the Data Protection Act, the information you provide will be used to contact you in reference to your specific questions.

European Balloon Festival

European Balloon Festival is one of the most important balloon meetings in Europe since 1997.

You can join with us the experience to take part of one of our balloon teams flying and enjoying the show.



Book your flight with Globus Kon-Tiki during the European Balloon Festival


  • Meeting at airfield KON-TIKI tent at 7:00 AM
  • Welcome briefing
  • Welcome backpack with local typical pastry and fruit juice.
  • Preparation and inflation. You can participate as part of Kon-Tiki team if you wish
  • Mass ascension and 1 hour real flight aprox, winds decide the route
  • After landing our 4x4 vehicles that follows the balloon during the flight arrive to the landing field to drive us back at meeting point
  • our staff will take pictures during the flight and on the ground, we'll send you the link of the HD album after the flight

Dates and prices per person

  • Thursday and Friday:
    150€/adults, 140€ guys (11-14 years old) and 105€/child (5-10 years old)
  • Saturday and Sunday:
    175€/adults, 140€ guys (11-14 years old) and 105€/child (5-10 years old)
  • Booking for this event by phone +34935156060 - email - whatsapp +34664268318
  • Limited vacancy

BOOK NOW +34 93 515 6060

Meeting point

  • KON·TIKI tent in the launch field
    Av. de Catalunya, corner c/França
    IGUALADA - Barcelona
  • pick up / drop off from Barcelona city center, collect point c/Bergara, 4 in front of Hotel Regina, 35€ per person
ScheduleFrom Monday to Friday from 8h AM to 4h PM