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Lleida Segarra

Lleida i el Segrià

History and tradition
General description of the balloon flight

The majestic Seu Vella that dominates the old town of Ciurar touching the Segre river and the extensive rural area around Lleida do not leave us indifferent; flying over the flowering fruit trees of Aitona el Baix Segre in spring or the vineyard territory of Raimat Natura* at any time of the year, are true privileges.

(*) The flight to Raimat Natura has a price supplement to consult.

The activity includes:

  • Balloon inflation, take off, flight and landing.
  • 4x4 tracking with return to the starting point
  • Images of the flight (from the basket and from the ground
  • Flight certificate and Kon-Tiki Balloon backpack with picnic of pastries and fruit juice.
  • insurance

Depending on the weather, we will plan the flight to leave from a point that is close to us and allows us to enjoy the magnificent views.

Meeting points
Bank of Segre river - Lleida city
(near to the Camps Elisis main entry)
Nearby accommodations
How to gift this flight

Tiquet per regalar vol en globus


Online ticket

As a purchase confirmation you will immediately receive an email and the link to download the personalized ticket with the name of the beneficiary and the comment you want to add. Includes the presentation instructions, data to activate the flight, booking conditions and recommendations for the day of the flight


Abonament passaport


Kon-Tiki passaport

An exclusiveness of Globus Kon-Tiki as a present to all participants after ballooning, it's personalized with the carrier data and can be ordered making the purchase to receive it before flying and deliver it as a gift, also includes images and description of the areas of flight, indications to activate the flight, booking conditions and recommendations for the day of the flight. It must be carried on the day of the flight.


Passaport + Buff


Kon-Tiki Passport + Original Buff
(Delivery cost €5 / 24h with ASM / GLS - SPAIN ONLY)*

During the purchase process you can also purchase the Original Kon-Tiki Buff with an additional cost of € 10 per buff. You will receive them together with the passports that you must take the day of flight.

* 24h shipping with a single associated cost per destination and shipping, regardless of the parts you order. Courier shipments will not be delivered on weekends or holidays. Purchases made after 2pm will be sent the following day. It is not possible to arrange a delivery time. The courier will come on the first working day after purchase from 9am to 2pm and from 4pm to 8pm, if you are not at the indicated address he will leave a note for you to contact him. Service available just for Iberian Peninsula except Portugal.


ScheduleFrom monday to friday from 9 to 17h