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Globus de Kon-Tiki

Ballooning events

The kon-tiki ballooning corporate division offers any hot air balloon service to add touch of distinction, originality and entertainment to your event
Request a quote



In accordance with data protection law , the information you give us will be used to contact you in reference solely to the request you make in response to your specific queries

From a tethered balloon for the enjoyment of the guests at the party, to organising a balloons concentration, light and color show with balloons and fireworks at night "Night Glow ", aerostatic competitions, personalised and corporate adevertising balloons.



It is about disposing of a balloon during a certain time in specific place climbing to about 20 meters high carrying about 2 or 3 passengers up and down with spectacular visual impact as well as participatory.

The balloon can be personalised using banners with the company logo or with required brands.


It is necessary a minimum space of 40x40 meters free of obstructions and cables. it is also necessary the owner's permission to use the space.


Assembly and preparation take about half and hour and this is when people can climb into the basket, followed by a 1h 30' of real effective flight. Morning or late in the evening/night hours are the time to do this activity when winds are calmed ( the strong wind or rain would enable the inflation of the balloon).


Prices includes the balloon renting during two hours (one hour and half hour + half hour for assemby and inflation that is part of the show), passengers, insurance and transport within 130km from our base at Odena Irfield (Barcelona)

850€ + VAT TAX 21%


  • Additional half hour up o a total of 3 hour: 250 € + 21% VAT TAX. Ask for quotation if extra time required.
  • €0.50/km extra charge for locations at more than 130km distance from our base at Odena airfield (Barcelona)
  • Custom banner with your logo on the basket: 100€ 1x1 meters approximately.
  • Banner with a special fabric at the balloon measure in the middle of the envelope: 1.500€ 4x12 meters approximately (15 days minimum for its realisation).


  • Prices include the balloon renting, passengers, insurance and transport in Catalonia.
  • does not include expenses for administrative procedures with municipalities and public entities if necessary, a supplement of €150 VAT included would be added
  • Reservation will be made 30 days before and payment of the 50% of the total cost will be made in advance.
  • In case the activity can be not done for the weather reasons and we're already in the agreed place, the advanced payment will be cost. We'll be informing you until the day before the fligh about the success possibilities based on the weather forecasts. If we mutually agree that the flight is not possible for the weather reasons, the advanced payment will be returned.
  • The advertisin banners, in its case, will bbe always charged to the costumer.
ScheduleFrom Monday to Friday from 8h AM to 4h PM