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Globus de Kon-Tiki

Ballooning Challenge

This is a dynamic Team Building activity where participants have to complete, with balloon staff help, a number of tasks before, during and after the balloon flight.
Request a quote



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It is an activity which mixes leadership, cooperation, effort, with excitement, emotion and the relaxation of a balloon flight enjoying all the elements of nature.


Globus Kontiki Ballooning Experience


The following day we will start the activity for real, distributing participants into different teams of approximately 8 people. Each team will have at its disposal one balloon, one 4 wheel drive car, one professional pilot and one professional driver. Teams have to distribute their tasks among its members. These will include helping to prepare their balloon for its flights. Task will be timed to see who can complete the inflation of their balloon the quickest.

Passengers will then enjoy the balloon flight and at the same time will participate in other tasks which they should try to complete better than their rival teams. This would involve activities including helping to fly the balloon to reach their destination, reading the GPS amongst others.

The game will be managed by a competition director, who will be responsible for deciding who the winning team is.


Globus Kontiki Ballooning Experience

Globus Kontiki Ballooning Experience


Standard program

(Estimated time can change 30' earlier in summer / 30' later in winter)

07:30h Welcome
Client's arrival and welcome, balloon's inflation, short briefing to explain the activity; allocation of the passengers on each balloon.

08:00h Take off
Balloons take off, our 4WD vehicles that follow the balloons start the route on the road. Flight over the area during approx 1 hour 15 minutes, itinerary depending on winds direction and developing the competition studied in each case according to the type of group.

9:30h Landing
Crew staff deflate and pick up the balloons (it's a funny task,  clients can participate to the inflation and deflation of balloons if they wish), transfer on our 4x4 to the meeting point or a typical restaurant.

10:30h Celebration
toast with cava, delivery of flight certificates and prizes to passengers, if breakfast is added (OPTIONAL WITH SUPPLEMENT) it would be done in the restaurant at the end of the brunch with projection of the day's photos.

12:30h End of the activity

Audiovisual material
During all the activity, Our staff will make a photographic report, and during the BREAKFAST it is projected on a large screen. The material will be given to the person in charge of the group as a gift / souvenir of the day so he can share with the Assistants


Recommended Flight areas

  • Near Barcelona flying around Montserrat Mountain, only 45 minutes driving from city center
  • Other areas aprox. 2  hours from the city:
    • Noguera and Pre Pyrenees, views to Camarasa lake, Montsec mountains and surroundings
    • Cerdanya valley and Pyrenees
    • Costa Brava, view to Medas islands Natural Park and Roses bay



Minimum 12, maximum 62 participants:

  • €220 per person (includes flight and return in 4x4, competition and tools, photos, flight certificate, cava toast and prizes). VAT 21% Included.
  • optional buffet breakfast with supplement of €17 per person
  • Aerial filming option with drone. Check prices and availability at



ScheduleFrom Monday to Friday from 8h AM to 4h PM