We use necessary system cookies for the correct functioning of the website and optional Google Analytics cookies to obtain visit statistics. +info

Cookies config

  • Necessary

    The necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to work properly. This category only includes cookies that guarantee basic website security and functionality. These cookies do not store any personal information.

    _GRECAPTCHAgoogle.comOwnprovide antispam protection with the reCaptcha service6 months
    cc_cookie_acceptglobuskontiki.comOwnUsada per confirmar que l'usuari ha confirmat / refusat les cookies (i quins tipus accepta)1 any
    WEB_SESSIONglobuskontiki.comOwnCookie técnica: cookie de sessió PHP. Guarda l'id de sessió d' acabar la sessió

  • Analisys

    Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help to provide information on meters, the name of visitors, the percentage of bounces, the font of the traffic, etc.

    _gaGoogle AnalyticsFrom third partiesAnalysis or measurement cookie: It is used to distinguish users.2 years
    _ga_G-F35538BW6YGoogle AnalyticsFrom third partiesAnalysis or measurement cookie: It is used to maintain the state of the session2 years
    _gidGoogle AnalyticsFrom third partiesCookie d'anàlisi o mesurament: S'usa per limitar el percentatge de sol·licituds24 hores

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Equip Kon Tiki

Alexi Rodríguez

  • Member of Kon- Tiki from 2006 - rescue team .
  • Born in Cuba and working in the tourism sector had the opportunity to travel to Spain and stay in Catalonia in 2004 .
  • Combining his passion for hiking and outdoor activities with his great love for music and percussion .


ScheduleFrom Monday to Friday from 8h AM to 4h PM