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Competcions d'aeroestació - Globus Kon-Tiki


Both Miquel Mesegue and Angel Aguirre come from INEF (Phisical Education National Institute) and therefore from the sport's world and competition.

The main reason to choose a variety as ballooning was without any doubt their spirit of adventure, the pleasure of flying the contact with Nature

Step by step it became our work instrument at a professional level.

But due to the economical dificulties of this kind of job, we could not participate in competitions till 1995. That year we took part in our first National, with quite a lot flying hours experience but none in competition. The result was not bad and we found the feeling of competition again.

Since then on we have taken part in more competitions until we got a Kon-Tiki team in the 1st position in the National Ranking.

Sport Track record





Campeonato de España 2010

Campeonato de Catalunya 2008

Campeonato de España 2008

Campeonato de España 2007

Campeonato de Catalunya 2007

Campeonato de Europa Magdeburg 2007


Campeonato de la Rioja 2007

Campeonato del Mundo Japón 2006


Campeonato de España 2006

Campeonato de la Rioja 2006

Campeonato de Europa Hungria 2005

Campeonato de España 2005

Campeonato de Catalunya 2005

Campeonato del Mundo –Austràlia- 2004


Campeonato de España 2004

Campeonato de Catalunya 2004

Campeonato de Europa –Lituania- 2003


Campeonato de Catalunya 2003

Campeonato de España 2003

Campeonato del Mundo -Francia- 2002


Campeonato de Catalunya 2002

Campeonato España 2002

Campeonato de Catalunya 2001

Campeonato de España 2001

World Air Games Cup 2000

European Balloon Festival 2000

Campeonato de Europa Luxemburgo 2000


Liga catalana 2000

Campeonato de Catalunya 2000

Campeonato de España 2000

European Balloon Festival 1999

Campeonato de Catalunya 1999

Campeonato de España 1999

European Balloon Festival 1998

Campeonato de Catalunya 1998

Campeonato de España 1998

I Juegos Intern. de la Naturaleza Brasil 1997

Campeonato del Mundo Saga (Japó) 1997


European Balloon Festival Igualada 1997

Campeonato de España 1997

Campeonato de España 1996

Campeonato de España 1995



ScheduleFrom Monday to Friday from 8h AM to 4h PM